10 Minutes Well Spent

Growing as a Believer

There is a rich benefit to be gained by setting aside just 10 minutes alone with God each day.
This is a simple plan for spending a few minutes in prayer and getting into His Word.
We strongly recommend this for many reasons, but probably the most significant one is that by spending this time alone with Him you will find yourself becoming transformed more and more into the kind of person that He wants you to be.

Find a place where you can be alone with God.

Thank Him for who He is, and what He has done for you, especially in sending Jesus to suffer and die on the cross to take away your sins.
Confess to Him things you have thought or done that you know are not pleasing to Him.
(I John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.")

Ask Him to open your heart to His Word, the Bible.

You don't need to read a large portion, just what you can that day.
It might only be one chapter, or even one paragraph. It is like food to you, and will feed you spiritually.

Get this valuable pamphlet, which is designed to help new (and even "old") believers to grow spiritually.

1. Click on the pamphlet picture (below).
2. Print it out, two-sided.
3. Follow these instructions to fold it into the correct shape.